Seven websites that Iranians see the most

Super User

First Rank: The search engine has the first rank in use in Iran, also, this site has first rank in almost all countries and in the world as well, though, the eleventh ranking in China can be considered a big exception.

Second place: Video sharing website: ranked second in Iran! due to the unavailability of similar foreign websites. This website has gotten 134 world-wide grade as well.

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Content Generation in the Past, Now, and Future

Super User

Content Generation in the Past, Now, and Future / Part One
Staying a big old company in the competition round, or the advancement of a newly established startup, is only possible with a professional look to the future. Today, the future of successful businesses should be sought on the Internet and social networks. But it's essential to have a powerful presence on the Internet and one of the main aspects of progress in this area of content production.
In this and subsequent sections we try to answer the following questions in general:
What is content creation? Why should we care about content? To create a standard content for our website, how can the best content be produced? How to create our own content?

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Proin eget quam urna, vitae

Super User

Praesent vestibulum aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus emagnis dis parturient montes ascetur ridiculus. mus. Nulla dui. Fusce feugiat malesuada odio. Morbi nunc odio gravida at cursus lorem ipsum nec luctus alorem. Maecenas tristique orci ac semuis ultricies pharetra magna donec accumsan malesuada orci. Donec sit amet eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris fermentum dictum magna. Sed laoreet aliquam leo. Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget, elementum vel, cursus eleifend, elit. Aenean auctor wisi et urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis. Integer rutrum ante eu lacus. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accu

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